was born from an intuition of the eclectic mind of Alessandro Agrati: the perception, surprisingly clear for the time, that even space and objects could have a scent, that it was possible to surround oneself with olfactory quality, as well as beautiful things in pleasant environments. It was 1988 when Agrati started this personal search for the trait-d'union between the world of design and the world of the senses, destined to revolutionize the very way of living spaces and objects.
"The idea of creating a culture of the environment that was incredibly lacking in our world at this time."
Hence the name CULTI. A project between culture and style that marks, in 30 years, a never casual creative path, to become a brand with a very personal soul. Personal like culture, which derives from the experiences of everyone's life. Personal like a perfume, capable of recovering memories. CULTI, in fact, is not just a perfume for the home.